"This book is a no-nonsense guide to those already in a nursing program or contemplating a career in nursing. The author "dispels the common myths and misconceptions about nursing and provides the reader with a sometimes gut-wrenching dose of nursing truth. I highly recommend it!"
Review from Amazon.com
Yalanda Comeaux is the author of RN Bound: A Guide to Becoming a Successful Nurse.
Nursing is an attractive career choice, with its romanticized portrayal on television and enviable benefits. This has drawn to nursing school many aspiring students, seeking to earn a place in this growing profession. In RN Bound: A Guide to Becoming a Successful Nurse, clinical nurse Yalanda Comeaux seeks to help aspiring nurses evaluate their career choice, to be certain it’s the right move. As a nurse educator, Comeaux has seen many students enroll in nursing school only to become overwhelmed at the reality of the profession — and drop out. In this book, she opens up nursing to the examination of would-be students to help them succeed in their chosen career.
In this book, learn:
• The difference between nursing fantasy and nursing reality
• What it takes to be a successful nurse in today’s environment
• What place critical thinking has in nursing
• The physical demands of nursing
• Salary expectations for nursing
• Challenges of nursing school
• Opportunities and career paths available to nurses
No longer must you rely on Hollywood’s portrayal of nursing or the nudging of family members to determine if this is the right career for you. In RN Bound: A Guide to Becoming a Successful Nurse, finally get the reliable information to make an informed decision about whether nursing is for you.